Centre de la Francophonie, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

The current science and theory behind cumulative effects thresholds were discussed, as were potential data and implementation issues. Brief presentations focused on specific discussion topics. A major goal of this workshop was to provide an informal forum for local resource managers and agencies to discuss and critique the concepts and relevancy of the thresholds concept for Yukon. During the past four years DIAND Environment Directorate, Yukon has sponsored work on the development and use of cumulative effects thresholds in Yukon to assist in the management of wildlife species including woodland caribou. The much of the work to date has focused on woodland caribou and the use of thresholds as a human development / habitat management tool to assist in the assessment and management of potentially adverse cumulative environmental effects.


A number of technical papers have advanced the theory and implementation of thresholds in Yukon, as have developments in other jurisdictions. With devolution occurring on April 1, 2003 it was felt important that an update and review of these recent initiatives occur, to allow local resource and assessment agencies the opportunity to examine this new work, and to formulate a strategic vision for how cumulative effects thresholds could be implemented in Yukon. The use of thresholds within Regional Land Use Plans and Wildlife Management Plans may be a relevant model for Yukon, but building the appropriate linkages with UFA Boards and DAP (YESAA) will be key to the success of this, plus broad support within an integrated resource management framework from the Yukon Government.


Background Documents

AXYS. 2001a. Thresholds for Addressing Cumulative Effects on Terrestrial and Avian Wildlife in the Yukon. Prepared for the DIAND Yukon Environmental Directorate by AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta.

AXYS. 2001b. Wildlife CEA Thresholds: Phase II Summary. Prepared for the DIAND Yukon Environmental Directorate by AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta.

Anderson R., Dyer S., Francis S., Boutin S., and E. Anderson. 2002. Development of a Threshold Approach for Assessing Industrial Impacts on Woodland Caribou in Yukon. Prepared by Applied Ecosystem Management Ltd. for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Environmental Directorate, Whitehorse, Yukon.

AXYS. 2002. Options for Implementation of a Yukon Wildlife Thresholds Pilot Program: A Scoping Level Review. Prepared by AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. For Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Environmental Directorate, Whitehorse, Yukon.