The Dawson planning region

The Dawson planning region

In consultation with Yukon Government, the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Nacho Nyäk Dun and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nations, the Yukon Land Use Planning Council has produced a “Terms of Reference” for the Dawson Regional Planning Commission. This document is the first step towards producing a regional plan for the Dawson Planning Region and represents the “marching orders” for the Commission. It has been agreed to by the Yukon Government, the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. The commission’s interim website can be found here.



The terms of reference states:

  • That the Yukon Government, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation are the approval Parties for the land use plan;
  • That the purpose of the regional land use plan is to create a vision of future land use, including identifying conservation and development areas. This provides land use decision makers with guidance and direction. By bringing clarity to the appropriate uses and levels of use of the land, a regional plan helps create certainty for land users and assists in avoiding future land use conflicts;
  • The boundaries of this planning region;
  • There will be three commissioners nominated by the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and three by the Yukon Government;
  • The General work plan, budget and procedural constraints;
  • The Terms of Reference for the Technical Working Group (TWG). Members of this group assist the Commission by acting at the technical level for the approval Parties; and,
  • The Terms of Reference for the Senior Liaison Committee (SLC). Members of this group provide high level policy advice to the Commission.

The general process for producing a plan within three years. The stages in this process include:
a) the identification of regional land issues and interests;
b) the assessment of the known and potential resources of the region;
c) the development of scenarios or options for consideration in the plan;
d) the creation of a draft, recommended and final recommended plan.

Members of the Commission are Steve Taylor, Chester Kelly, Roger Ellis, Will Fellers, Bill Bowie, and Scott Casselman.
The Commission is expecting to host its training and orientation session in October 2010. More information may be found on the Commission’s interim website, which is expected to be updated once the Commission begins its work.