Council Members
The Yukon Land Use Planning Council comprises three members. Appointments are made by the Yukon Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources based on nominations received from each of the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement. Appointments are for three year terms.The current Council members are:
Neil Salvin
Council Member
October 31, 2024 to October 30, 2027. Canada Nominee
Neil came to the Yukon in 1989 from rural Ontario. He has mostly resided in rural communities, including Burwash Landing and Haines Junction, where he worked for Kluane Park and also co-founded the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay. He owned and operated Moose Creek Lodge before settling in Mayo, where he was recognized by YG for his work implementing YESAA when he worked for EMR. He moved to Whitehorse in 2010 to work at the Yukon Water Board, and retired as the Manager of Licensing in 2020. Neil’s four children are all Yukoners, which gives him “a vested interest in the sustainable development, utilization and conservation of Yukons unique lands, waters and natural resources”.
His diverse experience and knowledge of natural resource legislation will be an asset to the Council.

Carl Sidney
Council Member
February 22, 2024 to February 21, 2027. Council for Yukon First Nations Nominee
Khe’ Ka Yet (Tlingit) was born and raised in Teslin, Yukon. He graduated from F.H. Collins High School. After graduating, Carl built the Teslin Canoe Factory, which produced cedar and canvas freighter canoes used across the north. Carl served with the Royal Canadian Engineers. He worked with the Teslin Tlingit Council to implement the Self-Government Agreement. He has served on many boards and committees since the early 1990’s. Carl is happy to be a member of the Yukon Land Use Planning Council.

Al Foster
June 15, 2023 to June 14, 2026. Yukon Government Nominee
Al came to the Yukon some 50 years ago and calls the Hamlet of Mt. Lorne his home. He has a background in water resource management and computer sciences having worked for Water Resources, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs during the 1970s thru 1980s and later teaching at Yukon College until his retirement.
He has been involved with Umbrella Final Agreement boards for many years having been both a board member and chair of the Yukon Surface Rights Board and a councilor on the Carcross Tagish Renewable Resource Council. His community/volunteer work entails sitting on the Local Advisory Council for Hamlet of Mt. Lorne, the Lorne Mt. Community Association and being a coordinator and board member for the Yukon River Quest. He also spent a year working on Third World Aid project providing drinking water to rural villages in Africa.

Interested in Joining the Council?
The Council is comprised of three members: 1 nominee of the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN), 1 nominee of Government of Canada and 1 nominee of Yukon Government. After their appointment by the Government of Yukon Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, members have a 3 year term. Members typically meet in Whitehorse up to 12 times per year. Members must be Yukon residents, and must not be delegates of the parties that nominate or appoint them.
Although we have no direct role in the nomination or appointment process, we redirect those interested in becoming a member to these sites for more information on their respective application processes:
We encourage anyone interested to apply, regardless of whether or not there is a vacancy in the Council – the three organizations above typically keep lists of interested and qualified people.
Dating back to the Council’s inception, here is a listing of Council members who have served:
YG | Canada | CYFN |
Mike Phillips (1995-1997) | Truska Gorrell (1995) | Patrick James (1995 – 2001) |
Lesley Cabott (1997-2004) | Gerry Thick (1996-1997) | Albert Peter (2001-2007) |
Ian Robertson (2004-2013) | Kim Hudson (1997-1998) | Steven Buyck (2007-2010) |
Patrick Rouble (2013-2017) | Laurie Henderson (1998-2001) | Shirlee Frost (2010-2013) |
Lois Craig (2017-2023) | Tom Cove (2001-2004) | Pearl Callaghan (2013-2019) |
Al Foster (2023-2026) | Doug Phillips (2004-2010) | Hammond Dick (2019-2020) |
Mel Stehelin (2010-2014) | Tess McLeod (2020-2023) | |
George Nassiopoulos (2014-2017) | Carl Sidney (2024-2027) | |
Dennis Zimmerman (2018-2021) | ||
Neil Salvin (2021-2027) |