Dawson Issues and Interests Report

Dawson Issues and Interests Report

Congratulations to the Dawson Regional Planning Commission for reaching its first major milestone! On December 1st, 2011, it published its Interests and Issues Report. This report summarizes the feedback from Plan Partners (the Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in governments), stakeholder organizations and the general public on the Dawson Region land and resource base, and people’s relationship to it. The Commission noted that some interests were shared among stakeholders, while others conflicted. Further, the Commission identified four key themes that will be addressed in their regional land use plan:


  1. Mineral exploration and mining
  2. Conservation of fish and wildlife habitat
  3. Defining a “Workable balance” for sustainable development
  4. Land use conflict within the Yukon River corridor

Read what the Commission has to say on their website or in the  report itself.

With their planning issues identified, the Commission is now working on their Resource Assessment Report, expected in the summer of 2012. This will report each of the key resources and values in the region.