Land Relationship Planning Gathering 2021: Using Indigenous Knowledge to Improve Regional Planning in the Yukon

The November 24-25, gathering was held online due to COVID-19 and was a huge success with 50-60 online participants.

Here is a short video that was prepared for the event about Yukon First Nation’s history and their relationship with land planning.

The Yukon News covered the workshop and interviewed Council Member Tess McLeod – read the article here.

Gathering Theme

Land relationship planning: Exploring Balance though Weaving Indigenous Planning Concepts and Traditional Knowledge into Yukon Regional Land Plans and Chapter 11 of the UFA.

Gathering Purpose

To create an Indigenous-rooted space to develop recommendations to evolve Chapter 11 objectives and implementation. We will explore how Yukon First Nation’s knowledge, ways and experience can support land and relationship planning approaches consistent with the Spirit and Intent of Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow and the Final Agreements.



Themes and Actions