The Council is embracing land relationship planning with the support of the Traditional Knowledge Circle. Our website now includes new pages dedicated to the work of the Traditional Knowledge Circle. Below is the background and story…
Land Relationship Planning
Land Relationship Planning is a collaborative process that aims to determine the future of First Nations Traditional Lands while recognizing cultural, spiritual, socio-economic and environmental responsibilities. These factors are considered in making decisions for a sustainable future of the land and its connections to First Nations and communities. This process looks to incorporate all key First Nations perspectives and values in planning processes and to have them reflected in the plans they make. This is what we call Land Relationship Planning.
The Story of how we got here
In the early years, regional land use planning in the Yukon did not fully apply the spirit and intent of the Umbrella Final Agreement’ s provisions regarding the application of Traditional Knowledge. The Yukon Final Agreements (YFA) provided clear direction to recognize and promote the cultural values of Yukon First Nation People based upon their cultural and economic relationship with their traditional lands.
In order to make a shift, we require a different way of thinking that will bring together both Traditional and Western Knowledge for the desired outcome of integration of Traditional Knowledge values into land use planning. To this end, Yukon Land Use Planning Council (YLUPC) supports a shift of YLUPC’ s planning process under Chapter 11 to Land Relationship Planning.
In 2020, the Yukon Land Use Planning Council formed the Indigenous Planning and Traditional Knowledge (IPTK) advisory group to explore ways to better bring Traditional Knowledge into the land use planning process and plan implementation. They began to explore Indigenous perspectives and approaches to planning and how to better consider Traditional Knowledge, relationships and practices in regional planning processes. Through this exploration, this group noted the collective responsibilities of Yukon First Nations as the original stewards of the land and their obligation to look after the land, water and all living things.
This is the beginning of an evolution of Chapter 11 planning from land use planning towards Land Relationship Planning. Recognizing the integration of Traditional and Cultural Knowledge into the planning process is a priority to First Nations, citizens and communities. In 2023, the IPTK restructured to form the Traditional Knowledge Circle (the Circle).
To help us get there, we hosted land relationship gatherings that successfully brought together Yukon First Nations citizens, other Yukon residents and planning partners. These helped build common understandings and form stronger relationships as well as provide direction to the Traditional Knowledge Circle. We are planning another on-the-land gathering in July.

Most of the current TK Circle. Back row, left to right: Gary Darbyshire, Shirlee Frost, Roland Peter, Carl Sidney (Chair). Crouching: Hammond Dick. Not pictured: Angie Joseph-Rear

Land Relationship Gathering
In August 2023, we hosted an on-the-land event at Brooks Brook.