New Map Resources

Jan 29, 2024

We just released our spatial data hub to complement our interactive map that we released last summer. This hub gives links to our interactive maps as well as links to our authoritative data layers such as planning regions and land management units for the three regions with plans. These data are provided as feature layers that you can open with standard GIS software or with a suite of online apps that you can click through to. You can also download our data in a number of formats.

See for yourself, by clicking “Maps” in our menu bar above, then “Spatial Data”, OR you can click the button below.

All the data in our hub can be explored on our updated interactive map. We recently added the ability to add data from other organizations, including all the layers on GeoYukon. Now you can easily find information on all of Yukon’s approved and recommended regional plans – together with diverse layers like Yukon First Nations Settlement Lands and quartz claims.

As always, you can scroll and click on regions to learn about them, or you can zoom in to view their Land Management Units (LMUs). If you click on these, a pop-up will provide you with a picture and general information. From there you can view current (to 2020) cumulative disturbance information or click through to a page with much more information about the LMU (Peel and Dawson regions only at this point).

These apps help anyone interested in Yukon’s regional plans, including project proponents or assessors who need information about the planning context for a project.

Please give us feedback at and use the subject line “interactive map feedback”.