LMU 3: Central Ogilvie

Land Use Designation
Integrated Management Area, Zone III
Land Status
Non-Settlement Land, VG Settlement Land (S-56A/D, S-44A)
Traditional Territories
Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Vuntut Gwitchin
3,684.6 km2 (5% of Region)


  • Ecological integrity is maintained.
  • Sustainable economic development that supports the local economies.
  • Land use activity does not significantly impact movement and habitats of caribou.

Rationale for Designation

  • Adjacency to the Dempster Highway may allow development to occur more readily with less access-
    related impacts.
  • Limited wilderness tourism activity reduces potential conflict between industrial and tourism sectors.
  • Landscape characteristics makes cumulative effects monitoring more effective in limiting impacts on
  • Moderate mineral potential with good access.
  • Portion of the Kandik oil and gas basin.
  • The high value of this unit for the Porcupine caribou herd, Dall’s sheep, and the people that hunt them calls
    for a limited scale of industrial development, thus meriting a Zone III designation.

Cumulative Effects Thresholds

Relative to LMU Size*
Surface Disturbance (%)
Linear Density (km/km2)
Current disturbance (2020)
On the ground amounts**
Surface Disturbance (km2)
Linear Disturbance (km)
Current disturbance (2020)
Room under cautionary threshold***
*These are proportional to the size of the LMU, and correspond to table 3-2 of the Approved Plan. They are measured in the % of the LMU that can be disturbed (“Surface Disturbance”) and in km/km2 (“Linear Disturbance Density”).
**These are amounts that can be measured and apply to the whole LMU and would be more familiar to project proponents and regulators. They are measured in km2 of disturbance and in km of linear disturbance (e.g., roads, trails and cutlines).
***How much more disturbance can be added to existing disturbance before the cautionary threshold is reached.

Cumulative Effects Indicators

Surface Disturbance

Linear Disturbance


Biophysical Setting

An area of tundra-like plains and mountains lying between the Blackstone Watershed to the east and Upper Ogilvie Watershed to the west.
North Ogilvie Mountains and corner of Eagle Plains
Bioclimatic Zones
Taiga Wooded, Taiga Shrub and Alpine
Image Explanation
The rounded Ogilvie Mountains and broad sparsely forested valleys characterize LMU 3. (YG photo)

Ecological Resources

High value winter habitat of the Porcupine and Hart River herds. Extensive concentrated and general use areas for the Porcupine herd.
Narrow bands of high habitat suitability along valley bottoms and smaller tributaries; generally low late winter habitat suitability elsewhere.
Variable winter habitat quality, with significant pockets of moderate-high value habitat.
Areas of highly suitable winter habitat with documented (TK, big game outfitters, scientific) habitat use.
Fish presence likely in lower gradient streams and main rivers; some known fish occupancy and spawning sites (one); winter overflow, open water and surface groundwater indicate good overwintering potential.
Grizzly Bear
Mostly moderate habitat suitability in low to mid elev.; high in riparian areas and subalpine zones. TK of a good denning area.
Peregrine Falcon
High potential for peregrine falcon foraging and nesting near Ogilvie River.
Birds (General)
High value waterbird habitat in riparian areas; low to moderate breeding bird species richness; high number species of conservation concern.
Edge of a national hotspot for plant endemism. Alpine plants, low-mid elevation dry herb, shrub, and coniferous forests, mid-subalpine shrub, riparian communities.
Wetlands, Lakes and Riparian Areas
Broad swath of oxbows and riparian habitat along Ogilvie River.
Extensive high water content permafrost expected for flatter pediments/plateaus.
Special Features
Some mineral licks. Several possible wildlife passes.

Heritage, Social and Cultural Resources

Heritage Resources
Cabins (TH). Culturally important places for TGFN, TH, VGFN. N-S TH heritage routes.
Palaeontological Resources
The Bouvette Formation; Road River Group: Ogilvie Formation and Michelle Formation sedimentary rocks in this area have known fossil localities and have high potential to yield further discoveries.

Economic Development

Transportation and Access
The Dempster Highway lies at the eastern boundary. Some old unclassified trails; a few airstrips of unknown status.
Traditional Economy
TH traditional harvesting and wildlife area and big game/fur-bearing locations.
Recreation and Tourism
Near the Dempster Highway there may be some unusual front-country tourism opportunities. Little tourism potential beyond the Dempster Highway Corridor.
Little potential for forestry.
Big Game Outfitters and Trapping
Reynolds Outfitting Ltd. and Blackstone Outfitting Ltd.; some high value hunting.
Oil and Gas Resources
Part of Kandik basin is within this unit. This basin is considered to have low development potential.
Mineral Resources
Approximately 40 quartz claims in 2011 (none in 2023); some moderate zinc-lead potential; moderate general mineral potential.

Special Management Considerations

1. The proposed right-of-way for the Dempster Highway lateral pipeline runs along eastern boundary.
2. Major River Corridor management directions apply along the Ogilvie River.
3. Subsequent Dempster Highway sub-regional land use plan may apply to eastern part of unit – Dempster Corridor to be managed consistent with IMA Zone III objectives.

Contact YLUPC:
Tel: (867) 667-7397

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Yukon Land Use Planning Council

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