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  3. Council Recommendations

Folder Council Recommendations

One of the mandates of the Yukon Land Use Planning Council is to make recommendations to the Yukon Government and affected Yukon First Nations on a number of topics, including:

  • land use planning, including policies, goals and priorities, in the Yukon;
  • the identification of planning regions and priorities for the preparation of regional land use plans;
  • the general terms of reference, including timeframes, for each Regional Land Use Planning Commission;
  • the boundary of each planning region; and
  • such other matters as Government and each affected Yukon First Nation may agree.

You can scroll through our recommendations below and download those of interest. 

pdf 1998 Planning Regions Map

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This is the map of the configuration of southern Yukon planning regions prior to the YLUPC's September 2011 recommendations. These recommendations, in a separate document, refer to this map as Map #1. These boundaries are now out of date! See our interactive map or our spatial data hub  for most current version.

pdf 1999-08-24 Recommendation for a Response Protocol for Recommendations

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1999-08-24 Recommendation for a Response Protocol for Recommendations

A Recommendation for a Response Protocol for Recommendations from Yukon Land Use Planning Council.

pdf 1999-12-17 Support for North Yukon Planning Region

By 495 downloads

Letter to Yukon Government asking for support for redrafted General Terms of Reference and the establishment of a Planning Commission in the North Yukon Planning Region.

pdf 2000-07-18 Recommendation regarding a Regional Land Use Planning Commission for the Teslin Planning Region

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Recommendation to the Parties to agree to establish a Regional Land Use Planning Commission based upon the General Terms of Reference for the Teslin Planning Region. 

pdf 2000-10-05 YLUPC Recommendations and the Teslin Tlingit Council

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Recommendation from YLUPC to the Teslin Tlingit Council regarding YLUPC recommendation response protocol.

pdf 2006-05-08 North Yukon Plan Implementation Funding Recommendation

By 431 downloads

The Council recommended that the Yukon Government appointing Minister address the issue of plan implementation funding for the North Yukon Planning Commission.

pdf 2011-09-15 Recommendations for Southern Yukon Planning Priorities

By 1591 downloads

pdf 2013-04-05 Unsettled First Nation Involvement in Chapter 11 Planning

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Letter to the Parties regarding the role of unsettled First Nations in Chapter 11 planning processes.

pdf 2013-04-07 The Peel Watershed Plan Approval Process

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The Yukon Land Use Planning Council's review and comments on the approval process for Peel Watershed Final Recommended Regional Land Use Plan.

pdf 2015-10-16 Chapter 11 Roles Recommendations

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This letter raises a number of concerns regarding the interpretation of Chapter 11, particularly around roles. It recommends, to the Parties of the UFA and First Nation Final Agreements, a working group of senior officials be established to determine a process for addressing these issues.

pdf 2017-10-05 Beaver Watershed Sub-Regional Planning Recommendations

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Beaver River watershed sub-regional planning recommendations sent to Nacho Nyak Dun and YG. Attached to the letter is a recommendation made to the Implementation Review Group (10 Year Review) in 2004.

pdf 2019-10-09 Total Impact Workshop Resolution on Cumulative Effects

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Recommendations sent to CYFN and YG  from "Total Impact" cumulative effects workshop.

pdf 2020-09-30 YLUPC submission to the Mineral Development Strategy Engagement

By 383 downloads

Recommendations related to the Yukon Mineral Development Strategy submitted to the Yukon Mineral Development Panel.


pdf 2022-08-08 Advancing Regional Planning Recommendations

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This set of Yukon regional planning recommendations was developed in collaboration with the Yukon Forum "Regional Planning Leads" group through a series of workshops in 2020 and 2021, as well as the Council’s work on Indigenous Planning and Traditional Knowledge, and was sent to YG as well as Affected First Nations under Chapter 11 . 

pdf 2023-10-17 YLUPC Recommends a Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Planning Region

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2023-10-17 YLUPC Recommends a Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Planning Region

The Council recommended a General Terms of Reference for a Na-Cho Nyak Dun Regional Planning Commission, to both the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun and the Government of Yukon for their consideration.

2023-10-17 Recommended Terms of Reference for Na-Cho-Nyak Dun Region



pdf 2024-04-03 Chapter 11 Plan Review for North Yukon

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Recommendation to the Vuntut Gwitchin and Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Governments as well as the Government of Yukon to undertake a review of the North Yukon Regional Land Use Plan.

Document 2024-07-04 YLUPC submission to YG public engagement on Lands Legislation

By 368 downloads

pdf 2024-10-29 YLUPC Recommends Ongoing Commissions

By 112 downloads

The Council recommends that regional land use planning commissions remain in place once a plan has been approved for each region. Consistent with this recommendation, the Council recommends that the North Yukon Planning Commission and the Peel Watershed Planning Commission be re-established.

pdf Planning Region Boundaries Map 2013

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A map of all the planning regions of the Yukon, as per the Yukon Land Use Planning Council's recommendations and subsequent boundary discussions, produced in 2013 based upon 2011 recommended boundaries with subsequent discussions.  This map was subsequently updated in 2018.

pdf Timely Response to Recommendations

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1999: Council encourages all Government and Yukon First Nations to respond to recommendations in a timely fashion. This protocol, accepted by all parties, outlines the timeframe and format for responses to formal recommendations of YLUPC.