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Folder Discussion Papers

Working papers prepared by the YLUPC Secretariat or third parties that provide the context for land use planning in Yukon, guidelines for consensus based decision-making and other useful information about the preparation of a regional land use plan.

Folder Common Land Use Planning Process Review 2014-2018  (25)

Since late 2014, we have been focussing much of our effort on reviewing the Common Land Use Planning Process (CLUPP) in an effort to make future planning projects more efficient and successful. Over time, we will be adding discussion on papers that support this review here. Also supporting this review, we hosted a workshop in 2014 and a large conference in 2016.

Folder North Yukon Disturbance Tracking  (5)

The North Yukon Regional Land Use Plan recommended that two cumulative effects indicators, surface disturbance and linear disturbance, be tracked and ideally kept below levels specified for each geographic sub-division of the region, or “Land Management Unit” (LMU). To do this effectively, disturbances need to be tracked over time. How to map, quantify and track these disturbances is not simple. Since 2015, the Council has been contributing ideas and resources towards implementing this important part of the North Yukon Regional Land Use Plan. Have a look at our discussion papers and presentations that develop these ideas.

Cumulative effects was the theme of our 2019 workshop. Have a look at some of the great presentations there, including a pair of presentations that showed how this part of the Plan works, and an Eagle Plains case study that shows how it can be made to work.

pdf A Review of the North Yukon Land Use Planning Process

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Full Title:

Assessing Yukon's Current Approach to Regional Land Use Planning: Perspectives from the North Yukon Planning Process

A masters thesis prepared by:

Amy J. Leach
Master of Arts in Environment and Management Candidate
School of Environment and Sustainability
Royal Roads University
April 2011

From the Abstract:

Regional land use planning in the Yukon has a long and unfortunate history of failed efforts. Under Chapter 11 of the Yukon First Nations Umbrella Final Agreement, a new process for planning has been in place since 1993. Through qualitative, interview-based research, I explore possible factors that either hinder or facilitate successful planning. I used the North Yukon regional land use planning effort as a case study example of the first plan to be successfully approved in Yukon history. A number of challenges resulting from poorly defined roles and responsibilities caused notable struggles and conflict throughout the process, but fortunately, strong political support and micro and meso – level organization, combined with a solid team of skilled and dedicated people, allowed the process to ultimately succeed. Lessons learned and recommendations for future regional planning initiatives are discussed.


pdf A Review of the Peel Watershed Common Land Use Planning Process

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A Review of the Peel Watershed Common Land Use Planning Process

A masters thesis prepared by:

Nick GrzybowskiMADR CandidateSchool of Public AdministrationUniversity of VictoriaJune 2014

From the Executive Summary:

The objectives of this report are to capture the knowledge and experience of those involved in the Peel Watershed planning process that took place between 2002 and 2014. Gathering this knowledge will contribute to improving the planning process in the Yukon, where past successes and challenges inform improved future applications or applications in other jurisdictions.

In the short term, this report is intended to contribute to the successful completion of regional land use plans in the Yukon, which in the long run may provide greater certainty for a multitude of users and reduce the prevalence of land use conflicts. The study has been designed to assist the Council in reviewing the Peel Watershed planning process and addresses the following research questions:How do participants of the Peel Watershed planning process describe their experiences during the planning process?

pdf Exectutive Summary Peel Watershed CLUPP Review

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This is the executive summary to the document "A Review of the Peel Watershed Common Land Use Planning Process" found below. Written by the author of that thesis.

pdf Finding Common Ground final report 2022

By 524 downloads

pdf Full Report: Review of the Presence/Use of Traditional Knowledge in Regional Land Use Planning

By 1394 downloads

North Yukon Regional Planning Commission: Cultural Heritage Workshop, 2006
North Yukon Regional Planning Commission: Cultural Heritage Workshop, 2006

This report examined nine regional land use plans in Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Northern British Columbia to consider how traditional knowledge was used and how plans address broader Indigenous concepts about their relationship to land and their way of life rooted in the land.

The review showed that the Yukon plans do not reflect traditional knowledge to the same extent as the other seven northern plans. Even though requirements in the Final Agreements are clear and both Yukon Commissions worked closely with communities, the plans themselves do not portray to the extent of other plans Indigenous worldviews, values, and knowledge. This project provided some insights on why that may be and how the Yukon Final Agreements and the collective northern experience with planning provide opportunities to improve Yukon’s regional planning processes.

This report and its summary was written by planner Gillian McKee under contract to the Council in early 2021.

pdf Summary: Review of the Presence/Use of Traditional Knowledge in Regional Land Use Planning

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Cover of Summary of the Report on TK in Land Use PlanningThis is a 13 page summary of a report that examined nine regional land use plans in Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Northern British Columbia to consider how traditional knowledge was used and how plans address broader Indigenous concepts about their relationship to land and their way of life rooted in the land.

The review showed that the Yukon plans do not reflect traditional knowledge to the same extent as the other seven northern plans. Even though requirements in the Final Agreements are clear and both Yukon Commissions worked closely with communities, the plans themselves do not portray to the extent of other plans Indigenous worldviews, values, and knowledge. This project provided some insights on why that may be and how the Yukon Final Agreements and the collective northern experience with planning provide opportunities to improve Yukon’s regional planning processes.

This summary and the report itself was written by planner Gillian McKee under contract to the Council in early 2021.