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  5. Common Land Use Planning Process Review 2014-2018

Folder Common Land Use Planning Process Review 2014-2018

Since late 2014, we have been focussing much of our effort on reviewing the Common Land Use Planning Process (CLUPP) in an effort to make future planning projects more efficient and successful. Over time, we will be adding discussion on papers that support this review here. Also supporting this review, we hosted a workshop in 2014 and a large conference in 2016.

Folder A Yukon Regional Land Use Strategy  (2)

Documents exploring the idea of a land use strategy for the Yukon, written by Council staff or contractors.

Folder Challenges with Implementing Chapter 11  (10)

Leading up to an overall review of the Common Land Use Planning Process (CLUPP), this discussion paper and appendices looks at several challenges associated with implementing the Umbrella Final Agreement's Chapter 11 - Land Use Planning. November 2016.

Folder Jurisdictional Review  (12)

In late 2014, the Council hired a contractor (Lesley Cabott Consulting & Associates) to review the Common Land Use Planning Process. Their first product was a jurisdictional review. This review of a number of Canadian jurisdictions with northern regional planning programs was done through a literature review, targeted email correspondences and some telephone interview. See the memo below for more context and a summary of findings.

pdf Sub-Regional Planning in Yukon

By 4265 downloads

From the Executive Summary:

This paper seeks to clarify if the Parties to the land claim agreements are interested in having sub-regional plans completed under the terms of Chapter 11 of the UFA and Yukon First Nation Final Agreements. Increasing resource and land use pressures, combined with an increased desire to initiate regional specific, sub regional or medium scale land use planning processes without clear linkages to Chapter 11 of the UFA may result in the inability to maintain a consistent planning approach throughout the Yukon.