1. Yukon Land Use Planning Council Documents
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  3. Discussion Papers
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  5. Common Land Use Planning Process Review 2014-2018
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  7. A Yukon Regional Land Use Strategy

Folder A Yukon Regional Land Use Strategy

Documents exploring the idea of a land use strategy for the Yukon, written by Council staff or contractors.

pdf A Yukon Regional Land Use Strategy: A Jurisdictional Analysis and Proposed Framework for Planning

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Ryder Communications Management was contracted in 2017 to provide an analysis of the potential content of a Yukon regional land use strategy, including a look at similar frameworks in other jurisdictions. Appendix 1 is provided in a separate document.

pdf Appendix 1: A Jurisdictional Comparison of Components

By 3392 downloads

This is Appendix 1 for the document A Yukon Regional Land Use Strategy: A Jurisdictional Analysis and Proposed Framework for Planning by Ryder Communications Management. Note that it is a very large table that is formated to be printed in a large-format printer/plotter. However,  printing on standard paper sizes may be done by selecting the "Poster" option in your print options.