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  5. North Yukon Disturbance Tracking

Folder North Yukon Disturbance Tracking

The North Yukon Regional Land Use Plan recommended that two cumulative effects indicators, surface disturbance and linear disturbance, be tracked and ideally kept below levels specified for each geographic sub-division of the region, or “Land Management Unit” (LMU). To do this effectively, disturbances need to be tracked over time. How to map, quantify and track these disturbances is not simple. Since 2015, the Council has been contributing ideas and resources towards implementing this important part of the North Yukon Regional Land Use Plan. Have a look at our discussion papers and presentations that develop these ideas.

Cumulative effects was the theme of our 2019 workshop. Have a look at some of the great presentations there, including a pair of presentations that showed how this part of the Plan works, and an Eagle Plains case study that shows how it can be made to work.

pdf Implementing the North Yukon CE Framework - PIBC 2021

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S Skinner NY CE implementation2021 coverA presentation given at the annual conference of the Planning Institute of British Columbia summarizing the North Yukon cumulative effects framework, the Eagle Plains pilot study, and next steps. 2021-06-17.

pdf LMU9 Surface Disturbance Pilot Study Report and Recommendations

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ny lmu9 surface disturbance report and recommendations cover no draft smThis report describes the methods and results of a pilot study that mapped, evaluated and quantified human-caused disturbances in Land Management Unit (LMU) 9 “Eagle Plains” of the North Yukon Planning Region. It also provides recommendations for how the piloted methods of that study may be applied in other areas of the North Yukon Region and beyond and provides some options and estimated costs to do so.

pdf North Yukon Disturbance Tracking Presentation

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A presentation given at the 14th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium that outlined some of the requirements, issues and potential solutions for remote sensing anthropogenic disturbances in North Yukon. 2016-09-15.

pdf North Yukon Disturbance Tracking: A Discussion Paper

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A discussion paper that briefly describes four options for a disturbance tracking process, before describing a recommended option in greater detail. The Plan’s definitions of “disturbance” and “recovery” that underpin disturbance tracking some end-uses of the tracked disturbance data are also described. 2016-04-29.

pdf Review of North Yukon Disturbance Tracking Concepts

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A report that was commissioned to comment on the 2016-04-29 disturbance tracking discussion paper. 2016-08-19.