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  3. Workshop Proceedings

Folder Workshop Proceedings

Proceedings from recent conferences and workshops conducted or attended by YLUPC.

Folder Atlin Taku Land Use Plan Forum  (5)

atlin taku lup thumbHere are the documents from the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan forum hosted by YLUPC on November 17, 2011.

See also the article here.

Folder Challenges '99  (1)

The Council organized the Workshop to address challenges associated with the establishment of Regional Land Use Planning Commissions in the Yukon and to create an understanding of these challenges within the parties involved in their resolution. The Council invited representatives from the Yukon First Nations, Canada, the Yukon Government and relevant Umbrella Final Agreement organizations.

Folder Common Land Use Planning Process  (1)

To further explore the Common Land Use Planning Process(C.L.U.P.P.), a series of facilitated discussions were held with participants of the Workshop. The participants were divided into three groups, and each group was asked to discuss: the "core" or required elements of CLUPP; the process leading to approval within each of the Parties; how to build capacity for planning within each Party; and the priorities for regional planning. Based on these discussions, general priorities and a set of "Core" strategies are proposed as part of a Common Land Use Planning Process. (Held May 2002)

Folder Cumulative Effects Management Workshop  (13)

The current science and theory behind cumulative effects thresholds will be discussed, as will potential data and implementation issues. Brief presentations will focus discussion topics. A major goal of this workshop is to provide an informal forum for local resource managers and agencies to discuss and critique the concepts and relevancy of the thresholds concept for Yukon. (Held February 2003)

Folder Dawson Regional Planning Conference  (11)

Conference package coverAbout 80 people braved the chilly weather to attend a regional planning conference in Dawson City on January 18th and 19th. This well received conference used a combination of presentations, break-out work groups, and a panel discussion to address the evaluation of trade-offs, frameworks for conservation assessment and economic and social consequences of resource development.

Folder From Claim to Plan (and Beyond!)  (12)

Select presentations and other material from the workshop "From Claim to Plan (and Beyond!)" hosted by YLUPC on January 30-31st, 2013.

See also the article here.

Folder How Planning Regions Are Selected  (10)

The workshop will be an opportunity to review and discuss the implementation of UFA Chapter 11- Land Use Planning and stimulate First Nations and Yukon Government Departments preparedness for regional planning commissions. (Held September 2009)

Folder Land Relationship Planning Gathering 2021  (10)

LandRelationship ConceptV2 simple w500About:

  • Where: Online and at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre
  • When: November 24-25th, 2021

Theme: Land relationship planning: Exploring Balance through Weaving Indigenous Planning Concepts and Traditional Knowledge into Yukon Regional Land Plans and Chapter 11 of the UFA.

Additional Reference:

Together Today for our Childeren Tomorrow

Folder Northern Ecosystem Initiative  (4)

Cumulative Effects Workshop Westmark Whitehorse Inn March 2, 2005

Folder Northern Planning Conference 2016  (68)


  • Where & When?: Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, Whitehorse, Yukon | February 15-18, 2016
  • How was it?: With around 230 attendees from across Canada and beyond, 60 presentations, 19 organised talks and countless informal discussions, the Northern Planning Conference was a resounding success.


  • Governance - The Planning Context (WHY are we planning?)
  • Climate Change and Resource Development - Planning for Change and Protection – the future - the conflict (WHAT should we be planning for?)
  • Planning Methods (HOW techniques, tools and theories and WHO is doing the work?)
  • Sharing - The Regions and Plans (WHERE and the status of regional planning in the north)


Folder Planning For Success (Improving CLUPP 2014)  (16)

Material for the workshop "Planning for Success" hosted by the YLUPC January 21 & 22, 2014. Presentations and other findings will be posted here shortly after the workshop.

The purposes of this workshop are:

*to consider potential improvements to the process by which regional plans are produced through the implementation of Chapter 11 of the Yukon First Nations Final Agreements;
*to develop the path forward that will lead to the completion of regional plans in the remaining planning regions.

Folder Ready or Not, Here We Plan  (1)

On December 6 & 7, 2000, the Yukon Land Use Planning Council held a conference entitled Ready or Not Here We Plan! The Yukon Territory is on the verge of conducting regional planning exercises in areas where Yukon First Nation land claims are settled. The first commissions are sailing into Chapter 11's uncharted waters where the planning environment is still churning with change. (Held December 2000)

Folder Southern Yukon Planning Boundary Workshop  (6)

On December 14th, 2011, YLUPC held a workshop with the goal to identify options for the detailed planning boundaries for southern Yukon, as well as to discuss how "pan-regional" issues may be addressed by the three smaller southern Yukon planning regions.

Folder Spring Gathering: The Peel Decision and Beyond  (9)

Peel VistaMarch 21, 2018, Westmark Hotel, Whitehorse, Yukon

Invitees: YFNs, CYFN, GTC, UFA Boards and Committees, Yukon and Canada


  • The Peel Supreme Court Decision and Its Implications
  • Future of Regional Land Use Planning (UFA Ch 11)

Proceedings and supporting documents are posted here.

Folder Total Impact Workshop 2019  (25)

This two-day workshop focused on building understanding about the nature and scope of cumulative effects management in the Yukon. 

Folder UFA Boards and Committees Gathering 2017  (4)

More information on this gathering to be held in March 2017 can be found here.

pdf 2023 Brook Brook On the Land Gathering Proceedings

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