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  5. Atlin Taku Land Use Plan Forum

Folder Atlin Taku Land Use Plan Forum

atlin taku lup thumbHere are the documents from the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan forum hosted by YLUPC on November 17, 2011.

See also the article here.

pdf Agenda: Atlin Taku Land Use Plan Forum

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On November 17th, 2011, the Council hosted a forum on the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan. The purpose of this forum was to understand the process by which the Province of British Columbia and the Taku River Tlingit First Nation developed the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan and to identify the relevant “lessons learned” that may be beneficial to land use planning in the Yukon.

pdf BC Lessons Learned from the Atlin Taku Planning Process

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Presented by James Cuell, G2G Forum Co-chair

pdf Notes on the TRTFN Leasons Learned from the Atlin Taku Planning Process

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Wóoshtin wudidaa (Atlin Taku Land Use Plan) &
Whóoshtin Yan Too.Aat (G2G Agreement)
Some Lessons Learned from the Government-to-Government Process.
Presentation to the Yukon Land Use Planning Commission and Yukon First Nations
by Taku River Tlingit First Nation, November 16, 2011.

pdf TRTFN and Province of BC Joint Presentation

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A joint presentation by the TRTFN and Province of BC on:

Wóoshtin Wudidaa: Atlin Taku Land Use Plan &

Whooshtin Yan Too.Aat: Land and Resource Management & Shared Decision Making Agreement

This presentation talked about the process and their unique Government to Government relationship.

pdf TRTFN Leasons Learned from the Atlin Taku Planning Process

By 3657 downloads

Presented by Susan Carlick, G2G Forum Co-chair