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  5. Cumulative Effects Management Workshop

Folder Cumulative Effects Management Workshop

The current science and theory behind cumulative effects thresholds will be discussed, as will potential data and implementation issues. Brief presentations will focus discussion topics. A major goal of this workshop is to provide an informal forum for local resource managers and agencies to discuss and critique the concepts and relevancy of the thresholds concept for Yukon. (Held February 2003)

pdf 10 Years of Solving Wicked Problems

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Land Use Planning in British Columbia: 10-Years of Solving Wicked Problems - Kevin Kriese

pdf Caribou Thresholds

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Anderson R., Dyer S., Francis S., Boutin S., and E. Anderson. 2002. Development of a Threshold Approach for Assessing Industrial Impacts on Woodland Caribou in Yukon. Prepared by Applied Ecosystem Management Ltd. for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Environmental Directorate, Whitehorse, Yukon.

pdf Cumulative Effects In Yukon

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Cumulative Effects in Yukon - Rob Walker

pdf Integrated Resource Management – A Yukon Approach

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Integrated Resource Management – A Yukon Approach Jesse Duke

pdf Land Use Planning in Yukon

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Land Use Planning In Yukon - Bonnie Hurlock

pdf LUP and IRM

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Land Use Planning and Integrated Resource Management: Rationale and Challenges for Implementation - Steven Kennett

pdf Managing Cumulative Effects through Regional Land U

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Managing Cumulative Effects through Regional Land Use Planning: A Practical Framework - George Hegmann

pdf Minutes - Day One

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pdf Minutes - Day Two

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pdf Principles and Concepts of Regional Land Use Planning

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Principles and Concepts of Regional Land Use Planning - Frank Duerden

pdf Thresholds for Addressing Cumulative Effects on Terrestrial and Avian Wildlife in the Yukon.

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AXYS. 2001a. Thresholds for Addressing Cumulative Effects on Terrestrial and Avian Wildlife in the Yukon. Prepared for the DIAND Yukon Environmental Directorate by AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta.

pdf Wildlife Thresholds

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AXYS. 2001b. Wildlife CEA Thresholds: Phase II Summary. Prepared for the DIAND Yukon Environmental Directorate by AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta.

pdf Yukon Wildlife Thresholds Pilot

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AXYS. 2002. Options for Implementation of a Yukon Wildlife Thresholds Pilot Program: A Scoping Level Review. Prepared by AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. For Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Environmental Directorate, Whitehorse, Yukon.