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  5. Northern Planning Conference 2016

Folder Northern Planning Conference 2016


  • Where & When?: Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, Whitehorse, Yukon | February 15-18, 2016
  • How was it?: With around 230 attendees from across Canada and beyond, 60 presentations, 19 organised talks and countless informal discussions, the Northern Planning Conference was a resounding success.


  • Governance - The Planning Context (WHY are we planning?)
  • Climate Change and Resource Development - Planning for Change and Protection – the future - the conflict (WHAT should we be planning for?)
  • Planning Methods (HOW techniques, tools and theories and WHO is doing the work?)
  • Sharing - The Regions and Plans (WHERE and the status of regional planning in the north)


Folder Break-out Session 1  (15)

There were 5 concurrent sessions during this break-out held Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.

Folder Break-out Session 2  (12)

There were 4 concurrent sessions during this break-out held Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm.

Folder Break-out Session 3  (12)

There were 4 concurrent sessions during this break-out held Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.

Folder Break-out Session 4  (12)

There were 4 concurrent sessions during this break-out held Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm.

Folder Plenary Panel #1: What Do We Need to Know to Plan in the North  (3)

This session examined some of what planners and decision makers need to know to create meaningful northern plans.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016. 1:40 pm – 3:00 pm.

Folder Plenary Panel #2: What are we planning for? Balancing culture and industry values  (3)

This panel shared stories of planning and priorities in North Yukon, the Sahtu and the Far North of Ontario.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016. 1:40 pm – 3:00 pm.

pdf Conference Proceedings

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Conference Proceedings

Proceedings from the Northern Planning Conference 2016, including agenda, abstracts, and photos.

pdf NPC2016 Agenda 2016-01-29

By 3941 downloads

Program updated January 29th, 2016.

pdf Wednesday's Keynote: Celebrating Indigenous Planning

By 4002 downloads

Jeff Cook: Principal, Beringia Community Planning Inc., MCIP, RPP