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  6. Governance - the Planning Context

Folder Governance - the Planning Context

The role land use planning plays (past, present and future) in decision making and governance in the North.

Venue: Artist Studio

Moderator: Ian D Robertson MCIP RPP – Principal, Inukshuk Planning & Development Ltd.

pdf Exploring the Connection Between Nation Building and Land Use Planning

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Frances Dietrich-O'Connor - Social Research & Community Development, M.Sc., Shared Value Solutions

More and more, there is a recognition of the need for a nation to nation relationship between indigenous nations and Canada. What does that mean in the context of land use planning? Land use planning asks us to consider how we will use the land and what we need to protect to ensure we thrive as nations, but it can also be a key component of nation building.

This presentation will explore the connection between land use planning and nation building. It will include a discussion of different conceptions of nationhood. The presentation will also include case study examples from indigenous nations who are engaged in the process of asserting their nationhood and explore the role that land use planning has played in these contexts.

pdf Good Governance? = Good Balance!

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Danièle Héon, P. Geo. On behalf of Yukon Prospectors Association

Land use plans to date in the Yukon have failed to balance potentially conflicting interests and have come short of reflecting the values of the community as a whole. Lack of clarity of mandates, combined with inherent biases in the composition of planning teams and in applied methodologies, have consistently resulted in a strong conservation bias, creating regrettable community polarization and mistrust in the planning process.

This has negatively impacted those Yukoners relying on land-based resource industries who feel unrepresented by the process. The latest Dawson LUP marked a great improvement in community consultation over previous plans, yet the methodology remained inherently biased. For example, when ranking the ‘Crown Land’ scenario (no additional protection designation above existing rules and regulations), all natural values are given a nul ranking, therefore implying that these values are left vulnerable without additional levels of protection. This pro-conservation bias is subtle as it is embedded in the algorithm methodology; however it is erroneous. Moose, hiking and other natural values are very healthy AND protected by existing legislation affecting activities on Crown Land. To be trusted with an effective democratic process, planners are challenged with constructing a non-politically biased methodology, providing factual information into a political process, which will then result in policy decisions. Added clarity to the mandate of the planning teams is needed. Limitations of the planning process need to be acknowledged, as the values analyzed and the knowledge base are dynamic while the plans themselves tend to be fixed, static and assume predictability.

pdf Regional Land Use Planning in the Yukon; the Past and the Promise

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Frank Duerden Department of Geography, University of Victoria.

The principles incorporated into regional land-use planning in the north had their antecedents in a Federal Government Green Paper produced more than thirty years ago. This document ambitiously spoke of the biosphere, sustainability, and incorporation of local populations into decision-making processes as key components of northern regional land-use planning.

The relatively recent evolution of geo-technology (utilizing GIS and remote sensing) provided the tools to approach the ideal articulated thirty years ago by providing the capacity to synthesise a vast range of baseline data over large areas, produce constraint maps, facilitate scenario building, and incorporate stake-holder input and evaluation. Technically the Vuntut and the Peel Region Land use plans produced under the auspices of Yukon Land-Use demonstrate the ability to technically incorporate a range of constraints and values into complex planning for large regions.

However the reality is that few plans in the north have reached fruition, and there is a dislocation between the successful technical production of a plan as a blue-print for the desirable future and what might be described as the political process of walking a plan from inception to implementation. This is partly a failure of political will and partly results from misconceptions about the nature and value of land-use planning in the north. Resistance comes variously from those who believe that planning and economic development are incompatible, from those who believe that land-use plans are immutable, and those who argue (not without justification) that plan production is too time consuming. The remedy lies in demonstrating the necessary role of regional planning in serving all land users by increasing certainty about land-use disposition and in ameliorating land-use conflict. It lies in making it clear that land-use plans are mutable and are capable of responding to changing circumstances and values, and to do this a mechanism is required that continually reviews performance, reviews land-use proposals for compatibility with the plan and makes adjustments when appropriate. It also lies in revisiting and reviewing land-use planning agreements to increase the efficiency of planning processes without compromising the initial intent of those agreements.

The need for LUP will not go away. Indeed, as climate changes and habitats change and demand for non-renewable resources remains ever present the potential for land-use conflict in northern Canada and the circumpolar north will increase. Orderly large scale planning is the only tool, which applied at the large scale can anticipates and ameliorates potentially costly and disruptive conflicts.