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  5. Plenary Panel #2: What are we planning for? Balancing culture and industry values

Folder Plenary Panel #2: What are we planning for? Balancing culture and industry values

This panel shared stories of planning and priorities in North Yukon, the Sahtu and the Far North of Ontario.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016. 1:40 pm – 3:00 pm.

pdf Land Use Planning in the Sahtu, Northwest Territories

By 2729 downloads

Scott PaszkiewiczExecutive Director/Senior Land Use Planner Sahtu Land Use Planning Board

pdf Ontario's Far North Land Use Planning Initiative

By 2382 downloads

Roy SiddersPlanning Manager, Far North Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

pdf Our Changing Homelands, Our Changing Lives Indigenous Food Security

By 2053 downloads

Norma Kassi, Director of Indigenous CollaborationArctic Institute of Community-Based Research