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  5. Planning For Success (Improving CLUPP 2014)

Folder Planning For Success (Improving CLUPP 2014)

Material for the workshop "Planning for Success" hosted by the YLUPC January 21 & 22, 2014. Presentations and other findings will be posted here shortly after the workshop.

The purposes of this workshop are:

*to consider potential improvements to the process by which regional plans are produced through the implementation of Chapter 11 of the Yukon First Nations Final Agreements;
*to develop the path forward that will lead to the completion of regional plans in the remaining planning regions.

pdf Agenda

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The background, purpose, and agenda for the workshop "Planning for Success".

pdf Challenges and Questions Associated with Performing Conformity Checks (Presentation)

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A case study on a recent proposal in Eagle Plains presented by Sam Skinner (YLUPC), on the morning of January 22nd, 2014.

pdf CLUPP Improvement Ideas (Presentation)

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Presented by Ron Cruikshank (Director YLUPC) near the end of the workshop.

pdf Conditions for Successful Regional Land Use Planning (Presentation)

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Presented by Ron Cruikshank (YLUPC) on the afternoon of January 21st, 2014.

pdf Draft Agenda - Planning for Success!

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The draft agenda for both days of the workshop.

pdf How Can a Plan Fulfill this Purpose? - A Planner's Perspective (Presentation)

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Presented by Gillian McKee, Corporate Policy & Planning - Energy, Mines & Resources, YG, on the morning of January 22nd, 2014.

pdf Introductory Presentation - "Bringing you Up to Speed"

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Presented by Ron Cruikshank (Director YLUPC) on the morning of January 21st, 2014.

pdf Land and Resources Management in the Yukon - The Role of Regional Planning (Presentation)

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Presented by Sam Skinner (YLUPC) on the morning of January 22nd, 2014.

pdf Notes from the Break-Out Groups

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Over the course of the workshop, there were 5 break-outs. For each break-out, there were 5 groups discussing the same questions, each with a facilitator. These notes are organized by break-out, with responses from each group shown. The facilitators were:

  • Group 1: Mal Malloch
  • Group 2: Andre Gagne
  • Group 3: Nick Gryzbowski
  • Group 4: Lou Villeneuve
  • Group 5: Mark Nelson

pdf Opening Remarks

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Opening remarks by the Yukon Land Use Planning Council's two newest members Patrick Rouble (Chair) and Pearl Callaghan.

pdf Participants List

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pdf Proceedings Cover Letter

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A cover letter for the proceedings from the "Planning for Success" workshop. Of particular interest are the 16 potential improvements to the Common Land Use Planning Process (CLUPP) that received particular attention over the course of the workshop.

Prepared by Ron Cruikshank, Director YLUPC.

pdf Recent Planning Progress in the Dawson Planning Region (Presentation)

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Presented by Scott Casselman, Chair of the Dawson Regional Planning Commission, on the morning of January 21st, 2014.

pdf Regional Planning Funding (Presentation)

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Presented by Dermot Flynn, Aboriginal Relations, YG, and Ron Cruikshank, Director YLUPC, on the morning of January 22nd, 2014.

pdf Roles and Responsibilities in Regional Land Use Planning (Presentation)

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Presented by Renee Mayes, Corporate Policy & Planning - Energy, Mines & Resources, YG on the afternoon of January 21st, 2014.

pdf The Land Claim Agreement and Linkages to Chapter 11 Land Use Planning (Lecture Notes)

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A talk by Albert Peter, Yukon Land Claims expert, on the morning of January 21st, 2014.