Jun 1, 2015
Land use planning regions are based, where practicable, on the Traditional Territories (TT) of First Nations, or groups of First Nations. There are 7 proposed or accepted planning regions in the Yukon: North Yukon (Vuntut Gwitchin TT) – accepted the Peel...
May 30, 2015
You can download our more detailed FAQ sheet, or browse the headings below: Acronyms and Abbreviations What is Land Use Planning? Why is Regional Planning done? How is land use planning done in the Yukon? What are the phases of regional planning? Who funds land use...
May 30, 2015
One of the mandates of the Yukon Land Use Planning Council is to make recommendations to the Yukon Government and affected Yukon First Nations on a number of topics, including: land use planning, including policies, goals and priorities, in the Yukon; the...