Land Relationship Planning

We recommended in 2022 that regional planning embrace Indigenous planning approaches and concepts throughout the regional planning process.

The Council is recommending a shift of the planning process under Chapter 11 to land relationship planning as a value-centered, collaborative process founded on relationships and with responsibilities for land, water, animals, and each other. This process would give full consideration to indigenous knowledge, values and planning concepts.

Specific Chapter 11 sections of relevance include: Objective: “to utilize the knowledge and experience of Yukon Indian People in order to achieve effective land use planning.” Commissions “shall use the knowledge and traditional experience of Yukon Indian People, and the knowledge and experience of other residents of the planning region.” Commissions “shall take into account oral forms of communication and traditional land management practices of Yukon Indian People.” Commissions “shall promote the well-being of Yukon Indian People, other residents of the planning region, the communities, and the Yukon as a whole, while having regard to the interests of other Canadians.”

Traditional Knowledge Circle

The Traditional Knowledge Circle is a group of respected Yukon First Nation elders who provide advice to the Yukon Land Use Planning Council on land and water relationship planning in the Yukon


2004 – 2011

North Yukon and Peel Watershed Processes

Much effort was put into hearing and documenting traditional knowledge in both the North Yukon and Peel Watershed processes. While this knowledge helped guide the development of these plans, it was not readily apparent in them.


Indigenous Planning and Traditional Knowledge Advisory Group formed

Council established the Indigenous Planning and Traditional Knowledge Advisory Group to begin work of exploring the shift towards land relationship planning.

Winter 2020-21

Advancing Land Use Planning in the Yukon Workshop Series

A series of workshops organized by the Council with support of CYFN and Yukon Government. It was well attended by a diverse group of people including representatives from Yukon First Nations, Yukon government, past planning Commission staff and the Council.

January 2021

Review of Traditional Knowledge in Regional Planning

The Council contracted Planner Gillian McKee to do a literary review of the use of traditional knowledge in northern regional land use plans.

November 2021

Land Relationship Gathering (virtual)

The Indigenous Planning and Traditional Knowledge advisory group coordinated and led a Land Relationship Gathering. The outcomes include a set of themes and actions for consideration in regional planning.

June 2022

Dawson Recommended Regional Plan

Building on the previous planning processes, the Dawson Regional Planning Commission incorporated traditional knowledge throughout the plan. This is reflected in the plan’s vision statement, “Nän käk ndä tr’ädäl” (On the land we walk together), the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Land Vision (Tr’ëhudè), and the concept of ancestral stewardship.

August 2022

Formal Recommendation

The Council made a number of formal Recommendations including the embrace of Indigenous Planning approaches.

September 2022

Direction to expand the advisory group

The Council provided direction to staff to clarify the role of the advisory committee and expand the membership to include broader First Nation membership.

February 2023

Land Relationship Workshop

Over two days, Council and staff listened to elders from around Yukon to help better understand how knowledge and experience of Yukon First Nations People can achieve effective land use Planning .

June 2023

Traditional Knowledge Circle established

The Indigenous Planning and Traditional Knowledge group redefined themselves as the Traditional Knowledge Circle.

August 2023

Land Relationship Gathering

This on-the-land event at Brooks Brook was attended by Elders from across the Yukon, First Nations lands & resources Staff, Council of Yukon First Nations staff, and UFA boards and committees. This Gathering helped the Circle and YLUPC identify ways to embrace Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Ways in our work.

July 2024

Lands Relationship Gathering 2024

We are working towards a on-the-land gathering on the Traditional Territory of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun. The tentative date for this event is July 23-25. The theme for discussion is “Empowering Relationships”. This event will be by invitation only.